Digital Level Module

DWL-130/180 modules having a resolution of 0.1° / 0.05° are designed to be attached very conveniently onto any traditional spirits level and it can INSTANTLY convert these spirit levels to become accurate digital levels.

These modules can easily CLIP-ON or SCREW-ON to various length & width of spirit levels commonly available.

  • DWL-130

    The DWL-130 module having a resolution of 0.05° & alternate zero feature is designed to be attached very conveniently onto every traditional spirits level and it can INSTANTLY convert these spirit levels to accurate digital levels. These modules can easily CLIP-ON to various length & width of any spirit levels commonly available.

  • DWL-180

    DWL-180 modules having a resolution of 0.05° & alternate zero feature are designed for extreme convenience purposes to be screwed onto traditional I-Beam spirit level and to INSTANTLY convert these spirit levels to accurate digital levels. These modules can SCREW-ON to any surface including machine, work piece, equipment or on various length & width of I-Beam Spirit Levels.