Torpedo Digital Level

DWL-200 is a Torpedo digital level having resolution of 0.1°/0.05°. The strong impact resistance ABS plastic material is moulded with a tough aluminium base to form the rugged yet elegant body structure. It has built in strong magnets to hold on to metal work piece.

DWL-280Pro Torpedo electronic level is designed to the stringent specification of industrial standard IP67 - waterproof and also shock, dust & freeze proofs, embedded with advanced LED technology allowing for the brightest display.

  • DWL-200

    DWL-200 is a Torpedo Digital Level with a resolution of 0.1° & Alternate Zero feature. The strong impact resistance ABS plastic material is moulded with an aluminium base to form the rugged yet elegant body structure. It has built in strong magnets to hold on to metal work piece.

  • DWL-280Pro

    DWL-280Pro digital level is our 3rd-generation innovative product designed to the stringent specification of industrial standard IP67 waterproof and embedded with advanced LED technology allowing for the brightest display. This levelling tool is built with high impact resistance ABS plastic and rubber material moulded with a solid V-groove aluminium base allowing high performance and reliability in the toughest working environment.